Welcome/Bienvenidos St. Matthew Assembly of God
(SMAG Church)

Welcome to our website. Our Mission is to preach the Good News of the Gospel and impact & bless all of those around us, Matthew/Mateo 28:19-20. We are a bilingual church located in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Our church is affilitated to the Assemblies of God, and we are a church of the community."We are a Church that Serves." Our goal is to reach our community through community outreaches and giving hope to those that need it.  


Bienvenidos a nuestra pagina web. Nuestra Mission es predicar las Buenas Nuevas del Evangelio y impactar y bendecir todos los que estan a nuestros alrededores. Matthew/Mateo 28:19-20. Somos una iglesia bilingue localizado en la cuidad de West Chester, Pennsylvania. Somos afiliados al concilio de las Asambleas de Dios, y somos una iglesia de la comunidad. "Somos una Iglesia que Sirve" por alcances a la comunidad y brindar esperanza a los que no lo tienen.